Student Life » HSCT SkillsUSA Chapter

HSCT SkillsUSA Chapter

Why Join?

Advantages Leaderships Scholarships Technology
  • Teamwork and leadership development

  • Access to Scholarships

  • Reinforcement of employability skills

  • Nationally recognized contest program

  • Community service opportunities

  • Networking with potential employers

Leadership is influential!
There is no better way to build leadership skills than to help others improve.
Through SkillsUSA you can plan and implement a community service project, run for chapter office or compete in leadership development events.
All of these experiences develop valuable leadership skills such as communication, decision making, group collaboration and problem solving.
Pursuing higher education is costly!
Whether you're attending a technical school, community college or university, expenses such as tuition, books and living expenses add up quickly.
SkillsUSA members are eligible for more than $1 million total in scholarships annually at the state and national level. In some cases, there are local scholarships as well.
Give yourself an opportunity to get ahead by taking advantage of the generous support available only to SkillsUSA member.
Do you like to compete for prizes, scholarships and awards?
SkillsUSA offers countless opportunities to showcase skills in competitive events while earning recognition that looks great on a resume.
You can compete at the local, regional, state and national levels in areas applicable to your career choice.
Not only will this help you learn to work under pressure, but it will also give you a competitive edge in the workplace.
You'll also have an opportunity to meet and learn from industry professionals.

SkillsUSA provides the framework to develop leaders

 SkillsUSA is a dynamic and career-oriented leadership organization focused on individual success at home, the classroom, the community and the workplace. Involvement in SkillsUSA can change your life. The experiences gained provide an excellent platform for career development and success. SkillsUSA’s programs help students develop personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics — the organization’s framework. These essential elements shape responsible, reliable employees who will one day become leaders in the economic marketplace.